ilmu, mantra, amalan, jimat, rajah, untuk menjadi petani dolar

menentukan kata kunci berdasarkan pesaing di page one google

3 Patokan Riset Keyword Para GURU Berdasarkan Kekuatan SEO Kompetitor Lawan Di Page One!

gambar wallpaper blog for lumination earning


copied from:!-imposible-is-nothing!-by-MasRoy

tidak ada rahasia dalam membuat blog seperti ini. yang ane lakukan cuma 1.
posting setiap hari 10 artikel dengan 10 gambar utk masing2 posting. that's it! tidak ada yang lain.

biar lebih enak, ane buat macam dialog aja:

Q: itu ss dari berapa blog gan?
A: 1 blog aja gan

Q: kalo posting artikelnya darimana?
A: ane ngambil dari blog berita indo macam,,, dll. cari ndiri, coz bahasanya udah ketata, jadi hasil translate gak banyak error. trus ane translate pake google translate. gak pernah buat ndiri.

Q: bijimane dengan grammar-nya gan?
A: ane gak tahu masalah grammar gan, yang penting hasil translate 100% bahasa inggris.

Q: panjang artikel?
A: minimal 50 kata. maksimal bisa 1 halaman folio. namanya juga translate, panjang pendeknya ya sesuai dengan sumbernya.

Q: kalo ada artikelnya mah bukan blog wallpaper gan!
A: ah.. suka-suka ane ajah yang penting ada earningnya. weks..

Q: tata letak artikel gimana gan?
A: dari atas nih: image 1 biji - artikel - image buanyak

Q: seting image gimana gan?
A: setiap image diarahkan ke attachment. a.k.a post URL, agar image juga terindex dan menambah visitor.

Q: penamaan image?
A: image filename harus sesuai dengan gambar/fotonya. 10 image ya 10 nama, jangan image1, image2, image3. tapi bedroom image, bedroom design, bedroom ideas, dll. yg penting setiap image punya nama yang unik, yang sekiranya bisa jadi kiwod juga.

Q: masalah backlink gan?
A: ane gak pernah nyari backlink. biar yang diatas yang nyariin.

Q: pake submit2 ke social bookmark?
A: gak pernah. ribet

Q: masalah kiwod gan?
A: blog ini temanya home design, ane sebenarnya juga kagak paham home design, cuma yaa.. biar semangat ajah. coz, udah pingin punya rumah.

Q: kiwod density?
A: gak pernah ane pikir gan

Q: theme?
A: prosumer buatan agan tapi ane buat jadi item semua. link-nya ane buat #ff6600. halaman attachment-nya ngambil dari fitria buatan
(thanks to agan tpaoo buat link downloadnya)

Q: boleh minta theme-nya yang prosumer item itu gan?
A: hehe... boleh gan. asal buktikan dulu keseriusan ente.

Q: gimana cara buktiinnya gan?
A: ente harus tahan posting 10 artikel/day selama 1 bulan. ntar baru ane kasih tuh theme oprekan ane.

Q: lama donk gan
A: mau tidak?

Q: theme yang lain gan?
A: ini ane sedang buat theme yang lebih maknyus. mau?
Q: mau gan
A: sabar ya.. ntar ane posting dimari kalo theme benar2 terbukti menghasilkan.

Q: traffik darimana gan?
A: gak tahu, kebanyakan dari image 80%, makanya attachment harus maknyus!

Q: maksudnya.. dari negara mana gitu
A; gak pernah ane cek gan.

Q: boleh bisikin url blognya gan?
A: hmm... malu ah.. baru kenal udah minta bisik2

Q: plugginnya gan?
A: standar aja, aioseop, google xml sitemaps, clean archives reloaded, akismet, faster insert image, wp-pagenavi, cbnet ping optimizer, exec php, stt2 (cuma untuk mengetahui search term-nya doang, gak ditampilin di blog), sama seo smart link. that's all.

Q: seting aioseop gimana gan?
A: ya standar. cari aja ndiri disini. udah banyak yang ngebahas kok.

Q: gambar ambil dari mana gan?
A: googling aja, cari yang free to copy

Q: seting permalink gan?
A: /%postname%.html

Q: apalagi setingannya gan?
A: lha ente mau tanya apa lagi?

Q: hosting dimana gan?
A: provider lokal, tapi server US. VPS. biar klo ada problem bisa komplen sambil ngomel2. wkeke..

Q: VPS gan? ane gak kuat beli
A: pertama dulu ane pake share biasa kok gan. yang 100ribuan/bulan. tapi karena kebutuhan, ane pindah ke VPS.

Q: twitter n facebook gimana gan?
A: ane buat akun twitter, trus updatenya pake twitterfeed. facebook? gak pake. coz, gak begitu paham buat page.

Q: bagaimana dengan pagespeed?
A: ane gak pernah ambil pusing sama tu pagespeed. coz pagespeed gak ada pengaruhnya ke kecepatan loading situs. jadi kenapa harus diambil pusing.

Q: jadi blog ini manual 100% ya gan?
A: iya, manual 200%

Q: CTR-nya berapa gan?
A: antara 1-2% aja

Q: apa sampe sekarang tetep posting 10 artikel/day?
A: 10 artikel/day itu untuk bulan 1-2 aja. setelah itu posting 1-3 /day.

Q: Kok ss traffik pake sitemeter? gak pake analityc?
A: suka-suka aja gan. agan mo pake analytic juga boleh.

Q: ente orang mana gan?
A: orang indonesia gan. wekekeke...

Q: gan, mau jempol kagak?
A: pake tanya lagi

sekian dan terima kasih

BTW.. banyak yang nanyain theme ini via inbox.
ane malah bingung.. emang boleh ya theme hasil oprekan disebarluaskan?
ane udah kontak agan, tapi belum ada balasan
yang tahu jawabannya, kabari ane ya. kalo emang boleh, theme akan segera ane buka dimari

ini sudah ane upload theme-nya hxxp://
tolong ditest di localhost dulu.

use on your own risk!

bagi yang mau disable right klik di theme ini. silakan menuju ke header.php trus hapus code berikut ini:

PHP Code:
<!-- no copy -->
script language=JavaScript> var message="Please Do Not Copy :)"; function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS4; } else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){ document.onmousedown=clickIE4; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false"</script><!-- end no copy --> 

bermain amazon dengan agc

  i will do this

copied from

Langkah 1:
Beli domain dan hosting, terus install Domain terserah agan, .info atau gak apa - apa. Ane mau rekomendasikan hosting di (murah & kuat buat Autoblog+AGC).

Pemilihan domain gak harus exatch domain. Contohnya: (isinya tentang home atau garden) atau (isinya tentang garden aja).

Langkah 2:
Install plugin dan ini plugin yang ane gunain:

  • All in One SEO Pack
  • All in One Webmaster
  • BWP Google XML Sitemaps
  • Relevanssi
  • SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2
  • StatPress
  • WP No External Links
  • WP Robot (Optional)

Langkah 3:
Install themes dan ini themes AGC yang ane gunain:


Disana ada cara settingnya juga, silahkan dibaca gan.

Langkah 4:
Setting Blog Wordpress. Mungkin ini agak panjang, tapi memang ini yg ane lakukan di blog ane. Yg gak ane cantumin dibawah cara settingnya berarti settingnya default aja.

1. Masuk ke settings -> writing -> pada bagian update service, tambahkan list dari
2. Masuk ke settings -> reading -> blog pages show at most (6 post), syndication feeds show the most recent (10 item) & for each article in a feed, show (full summary)
3. Masuk ke settings -> permalink (/%postname%.html)
4. Masuk ke settings -> All in One SEO Pack -> Lihat gambar gans, buka di tab baru aja.
Click image for larger version


Views: 419

Size: 20.2 KB

ID: 115
5. Masuk ke settings -> All in One Webmaster -> daftarkan untuk google dan bing saja
7. Masuk ke settings -> STT2 -> Lihat gambar gans, buka di tab baru aja.
Click image for larger version

Name: STT2.JPG

Views: 406

Size: 53.6 KB

ID: 116
8. BWP Google XML Sitemaps -> your sitemap -> daftarkan semua ke webmaster di (sitemapindex.xml, post.xml, site.xml & taxonomy_category.xml)

Langkah 5:
Menulis artikel bisa agan analisa di blog ane ini. Berikut linknya: hxxp://

Check di plugin Easy WP SEO 100% tapi copas. Untuk plugin maaf gan, gak bisa dibagiin. Diliat aja gimana saya dapat 100% score SEO On Page.

Kalau mau belajar SEO On Page, bisa dari agan Khalid di Ini linknya gan:

langkah 6:
Ping blog pake difasilitas IMT Website Submitter & IMT RSS Submitter. Pastikan agan pake Firefox dan kalau belum mendaftar di, daftar dulu.

Langkah 7:
Update sehari 5 - 10 artikel

Cuma itu langkah - langkah yang ane lakukan di blog - blog ane, lumayan bisa menghasilkan di Amazon di bandingkan (...) .. Hehe, mungkin agan dah tahu.

Silahkan kalau ada pertanyaan, Insha Allah secepatnya ane balas.

Tambahan ganssssssssssssss !!!

Note 1: Dari hasil diskusi yang saya tangkap dari chatting di forum mas Adryan ( Mengapa blog kita di deindex? Karena memasang script Google Adsense & Google analytics. Tapi kemungkinan besar, kata mas Adryan yang menyebabkan adalah script Google Analytics.

Note 2: Cara ane setting WPRobot gans !!!

Note 3: Download WPRobot 3.4.1, ini versi jadul banget. Hehe.. Ini WPRobot yang ane gunain, masih work buat amazon dan bebas virus (walau crack). Maaf mod, kalau gak boleh hapus aja mod. PM aja gan, kalau minat. Hehe

Note 4: Pengen dapat domain .info murah!? Ini linknya gan -->

Note 5: Untuk menghindari deindex Google, sebaiknya setelah mendapat visitor 50/hari, campaign WPRobot di stop saja. Biarkan AGC-nya saja yang bekerja. (Update: 12 Januari 2012)

Note 6: Sedikit update plugin yang powerfull disini

Tips aman bermain google adsense

Tips aman bermain google adsense

anda para petani dolar yang mengandalkan panenan dolar dari adsense tentu was was jika tiba tiba akun adsense anda di banned alias di blokir oleh google. tidak bisa tidak, google sebagai pemegang otoritas penyelenggara pertanian dolar ini memiliki wewenang penuh atas layak tidak nya suatu akun diberdayakan. google tidak mau membayar petani yang asal asalan, karena si pemilik iklan yang menyerahkan uangnya kepada google juga tidak mau kecewa. kredibilitas google juga ditentukan dari kepuasan penitip iklan. penitip iklan puas, google senang. berikut adalah tips agar google adsense anda aman sentosa:
  1. Play clean and always follow Google AdSense policies strictly, you will earn more for long terms by following this.
  2. Never make modifications in AdSense HTML code. Its a violation. If you difficulty placing AdSense in your WordPress or website, take the help from official AdSense forum.
  3. Never say your friends or encourage blog visitors to click on Google Ads. Its fraud and Google take click fraud very seriously. Your account will be banned even they tracked 1 click done by You as they have powerful tracking system. 
  4. Dont label AdSense ad with text other than "Sponsored Links" or "Advertisement".
  5. Avoid clicking on your own ads and reloading pages again and again. Google is much smarter than you, they track clicks using site navigation patterns, IP addresses, hardware details of computer So they will catch you easily. Its always best to play clean.
  6. Never place Google Ads in pop-ups or pop-unders or in emails.
  7. Never make a website only to earn money from Adsense using High paying keywords. Google will never let you earn money using "Made for Adsense" websites. Its better to create a mini website according to your interest and update it often to do fair.
  8. Place Google AdSense on top of your article if its a short article. For Long articles, place Google Ads in middle of your article.
  9. Use text Ads instead of Image ads, you will make more money. In-case you want to use image ads, prefer 300x250 medium rectangle or the 160x600 wide skyscraper.
  10. Use Google Ads with no border and no background color. If you webpage, where you want to place Google Ads have some background color, use the same color for borders and background of Google Ads.
  11. Use dark color for Link Title and light color for link URL of Google Ads.
  12. Must use 336x280 text ads format. Its best Paying Google Adsense format.
  13. Try to use an below or above Comments form. This will appeal the commentator and
  14. Don't wrap text with Google Adsense or image next to Google ads. This can cause a permanent ban to your account.
  15. Never use more than 3 AdSense link units and 2 search boxes on single page.
  16. Must use "Google powered search" on search box is on the top right corner of your blog.
  17. Monitor your AdSense performance with Google Analytics. You will come to know performance of every page of your website.
  18. Don't like an Ad ? or don't want a website to advertise on your site for very low price. Block low paying advertisers using Google AdSense Filters from your account.
  19. Keep doing experiments with ad colors and ad placements. You will see which color and ad location is doing good for you. Go with the best one.

di kopi dari:

    seo untuk pemula, pendekatan praktek

    pengen mahir seo? langsung praktek aja. ikutin petunjuk petunjuk dalam artikel berikut yang saya kopas dari:

    Basic SEO practices for newbies:

    The thing to remember is that SEO isn't a magic bullet. It's important, but no one knows the exact algorithms the SEs use, and each one is different so all you can do is optimize the best you can. There happens to be a few things that you should just always do whenever you make a new website. Don't stress over every little thing, just make sure you are doing it, this should just become kind of automatic for you.

    Make sure you fill in your meta tags with a good title, description, and the right keywords. I personally don't think the keywords meta-tag is nearly as important as everyone else on here does, but it gives me a way to organize my keywords list for me to reference. When you start having many different websites, it's good to include whatever notes to yourself you can. When you come back to work on an older site you might not remember eveything you were thinking before. The metatags help you remember your site info as much as it helps the SE figure it out. A good rule of thumb is that anything that won't hurt you for SEO and might help, you should use and use correctly. Definately use the title meta-tag, try to include keywords in the title. Definately use the description meta-tag, google will normally use this for the summary it displays in the listing. It isn't used for indexing so write it for humans, this is what gets people to click on your link when they see it in the SERP. Don't use the same metatags for every page on your site. Take the time to make them be specific to each page.

    Create good content. Make sure you have some decent content. Content is what the internet was invented for. If you have unique and quality content, then all the seo and backlinking you're doing is just to get the ball rolling. Give them what they want, show them where it is, and they'll start coming. If it's good enough then it'll eventually start building on its own naturally because people like what they found. That's the idea anyway. So whenever possible use the best page design and the best content possible. Avoid duplicate content between different pages on your site, the SE will most likely penalize your site for that.

    Remember, your content isn't just something to get google to like your site, it is the whole point of your site. The content and how you structure it is what will make visitors do what you want when they get there. If it's crap they'll just leave, and 99% of them won't leave by clicking on your adsense or affilliate link, they'll just close the window or use the back button. (yes, of course if your doing blackhat stuff you can make the browser go where you want, but that's for a different discussion.)

    Include your keywords. Structure your content correctly, make a few title headers in the content that include keywords (use header tags h1, h2, etc.), try to have a keyword density around 2% in your content, and maybe 4% for the whole page including the metatags, alt tags, anchors, etc.

    Be sure that your .htaccess is set up correctly. Decide on which way you want your url to be and stick with it. If you decide to use www then always use it like that in your links, don't use both. I usually set up a 301 for all www requests to redirect to non-www urls. If you don't set that up then every single page on your site can appear to google as having at least one duplicate. If that's the only thing wrong on your site it isn't going to kill you, but it's so easy to fix. If you don't know how to set up a redirect in your .htaccess file then just do a search, there are many other threads explaining it. Check google if you can't find it here. Also, .htaccess only apples if your on an Apache server, Windows servers do it a little differently, if that applies to you then just search google to find out how to do it. If your consitent in your linking, then the only time the redirect will come into play is if you get natural backlinks that you have no control over. You should also specify which you prefer, www or not-www in google tools if you use it. (If you don't then you really should, I recommend you set yourself up an account for webmaster tools and analytics.)

    Make a robots.txt file and I like to include a favicon because without them the robots will trigger file not found errors on your server. Be sure to configure your robots.txt correctly. Make a custom 404 page. If your site has more than just a couple of pages then also create a sitemap.xml file. It's not a bad idea to just create a sitemap anyway no matter what, it lets you define the structure of your site to the crawlers. Just search google if you don't know how to do any of that, it's very basic and you can find exact instructions within a minute when you do a search.

    Other than that there isn't a lot more you can do for on-site SEO. When people ask about SEO they're always thinking of on-site SEO, but thats the easy and quick part. Just do it and get on with it.

    Everything else is off-site SEO and involves building backlinks and promotion.
    This is where you need to focus your efforts. This is where the magic bullet is, if there really is one.

    Social Bookmarks, Directory Submissions, Profile Links, and Blog Comments are really the easiest place to start getting backlinks. It's not a bad idea to purchase these links from a service. They are easy to make, but to do it right they really need to be posted from many different accounts and ip adresses. A good idea when your starting is to do it yourself a little bit to see how it works, then purchase larger quantities from a service. You want to get a lot of links, but you don't want to over do it. Building to fast can look unnatural, just do some searches and read up on it a little more. How many and how fast is a judgement call you have to make. hold off on more complex linkbuilding until you have a little more experience. Linkwheels and other link structures can be very powerful, but can also hurt your site a lot if not done correctly.

    Whenever possible include keyword anchors and title or alt tags on your backlinks. Don't always use the same anchors, vary it up a little, use 3 or 4 different keywords and even do a few with some non keyword anchors. You are trying to look as though a lot of different real people have taken a liking to your site, if it were natural then all links wouldn't be exactly the same, so you want to simulate that same type of randomness. Backlinking strategies are all about simulating the natural events that happen as a site grows in popularity. If you can do it successfully then the SE's will give you good position in the listings, and then hopefully what you are simulating can become reality. The point of all of it is to get traffic.

    Change up your anchor text. The idea of backlinking is to simulate that masses of people are becoming interested in your site. It should have some amount of randomness to it in order to look natural. I've seen a few made up stats on what's best, but I think a good rule of thumb is maybe about 45% primary keywords, 35% secondary keywords, and about 15% random unrelated like Click Here, and then about 5% just the url. The exact percentage isn't dramatically important, it just needs to seem like the linking is natural.

    Create relevant articles containing your keywords, include backlinks using keyword anchors, and submit to article directories. Article directories are mostly authority sites and your article becomes a relevant backlink to your site. Then create profiles and accounts on blogs, social networking sites, forums etc. Include a link to your website whenever you do that and each one of those become backlinks as well.

    Thats the end of it. Well kinda.
    Go back and watch your stats to see what keywords are getting the most traffic to your site, analyze the data a little bit and if you need to, remove or add keywords to your content and tags, and adjust the anchors your using in your backlinks.

    Continue building links. Remember you're trying to artificially create the appearance to the SE that your site is popular. When that happens naturally, people are always adding new links to your site. Since you are trying to look natural you have to do the same thing. Linkbuilding never stops completely.

    OK, there you go. That's that basics of SEO. Everything else is about fine tuning, and has to be looked at for each individual situation.

    If you have any more questions, before you start PMing anyone just read through the threads in the White Hat SEO section, and do some searching on google. You can find some really good information from some much smarter people than me.

    If there are any SEO gurus that want to expand on this or if you see any errors you think should be discussed, please add your input.

    Hope this can help some of you.

    Guide to Google penalties recognition and removal 2012

    main main ke blackhat forum nemu artikel menarik. perlu dicatat bahwa dalam forum blackhat juga terdapat thread white hat. diskusi dan pambahasannya saya kira cukup  menarik, sangat menambah pengetahuan untuk memperdalam ilmu seo.

    berikut adalah salah artikel yang saya ambil dari

    artikel ini membahas pinalti atau hukuman apa saja yang biasa google berikan untuk website website yang menurut google melanggar tos, kemungkinan sebab sebab apa saja google memberikan sebuah penalti, dan tentunya cara untuk mengatasi penalti google.

    1) Penalty recognition and removal:

    A) Did you got some private blog network backlinks?

    If you see a penalty some time after you got some private blog network post backlinks - even some long months later - it could meant that blog network got de-indexed (check your reports and forums for any comments about de-indexing networks).

    Penalty recognition:

    - sudden drop in rankings without any reason (sometimes it could be 3-5 spots, sometimes 100-200 spots)
    - un-explained dancing (no backlinking/onsite optimization done in last 2 weeks)


    If you see only dancing/small drop in rankings then it means your backlink diversity is low. Go and grab some different types of backlinks - mix of Manual Bookmarks (a lot of them from different providers) and unique article submission to article directories will help to regain your position - even stronger than before.

    B) Did you pinged your website/got some Whois posted to it?

    You can notice huge dancing (even tens of positions back and forward) or sudden drop way below top100.

    Penalty recognition:

    - sudden drop in rankings or heavy dancing
    - drop in just few keywords or group of related keywords

    The main causes could be two:

    B1) your onsite optimization is really poor
    B2) you have nasty backlinking (some really poor backlinks/spam/porn links)

    To determine which one is right - simply check what backlinks Google sees by checking Alexa backlink checker and Google search engine. If Alexa is not showing anything of ppor quality (spammed websites where you link is located) then search for your website as - (without quotes and without www or http://). If you can see any spammy links (use your common sense to determine) within first 5 pages - then go ahead with B2 solution. If not - use B1 solution.


    B1) Check your inner linking (for any dead ones), correct 301's, proper site map, proper coding of website (no serious errors). I would suggest getting some webmaster to check your coding (he do not need access to your hosting - he should be able to work by reading your sites code with his browser) or using IBP (expensive but extensive) or SEOmoz (less expensive but really user friendly) - I didn't tested other options so just check reviews on SEO non-affiliate forums/blogs/review sites.
    After you are done hit your site with ping services (pingomatic, feed burner) and whois sites (hit it with like 1000-10.000 sites to get your site noticed by crawlers to re-check it).

    B2) Build some high authority backlinks - perfectly 2-3 types of links.
    I would suggest high PR backlinks at first (any high PR backlinks will do really). Once you have some good number of them get them indexed at once (build SB links to them or run them by one of the indexing/crawling programs like Linklicious/Backlinks Indexer/Lindexed etc.)
    [For example - build some High PR (PR4+) forum profiles, High PR blog posts and High PR Web 2.0 properties]

    C) Did you created a lot of backlinks lately?

    You have created a lot of backlinks recently and your site is jumping around or lost a lot of rankings.

    Penalty recognition:

    - heavy dancing, moving up and down (from top position to out of top100 and backwards)
    - most of the keywords changed position right after backlinking (possibly for worst)
    - your website lost all rankings (but you can still see it in Google as top3 when you search for your own domain name without spaces etc.)


    C1) You are not in top3 results when you search for (where domain = your domain name, .com = your extension - do not use www/http when searching for it in Google)

    It means your website got serious penalty from Google - possibly soft one.
    DO NOT ask for reconsideration within Webmaster Tool in Google.

    Follow those steps:
    - remove Google Analitycs from your site
    - close your Google Webmaster Tools account (cancel it)
    - log out from Gmail/Youtube (from now on always log out from them before accessing Google search results or your site)
    - opt out/log out from any Google owned business that could lead to YOU or to your website

    Perform full onsite optimization - (Check step B1) but do not do Whois linking.
    Build quality backlinks to your site - Facebook, Twitter and whole group of Reputation Management business sites (Linkedin/Merchant Circle/YouTube/MySpace...). Do it manually or get a guy that can do this for you.
    Get some social backlinks (High PR Manual Bookmarks or Re-Tweets with your link in it).
    Get all links crawled (use Pingomatic or more advanced crawling service)
    After all this - wait for ~5 days and then submit your site to good list of Whois websites (minimum 1.000).

    C2) You are on position 2-3 when you search for your domain name.

    Build more diverse backlinks - create "Raw backlinks" (no anchor links) to your main page. You can use for this AMR - get some quality article from Ezine, do not spin it and submit it to article directories. As a link use your homepage url (not inner pages, just homepage).

    C3) You are on position 1 when you search for your domain name.

    This is just a dance. You can get few of crawling services (Pingomatic etc) and submit your site to them to speed up process of ranking selection.
    DO NOT submit your site to Whois sites at the beginning of dance as this can mislead you with further investigation on whats the problem.

    D) Did you maintained status Quo for last 2 months?

    You have done nothing in last 2 months but all suddenly all your keywords started to falling in rankings.

    Penalty recognition:

    - sudden drop in rankings without doing anything to the site by you
    - complete lost of rankings by all the keywords


    D1) Your keyword is easy/medium competition

    You lack link building - keep building backlinks on weekly or even daily basis. Try to diversify backlinks and fetch some high quality manual ones (Linkedin/Merchant Circle/YouTube/MySpace/Tumblr/Tweeter/Ezine...)
    You need to re-build your whole SEO campaign so create a plan of backlinking and start getting them in proper quantities - use your common sense on how many of them. Regular site will use 3 different backlinks provider/sources a month (for example - Manual Bookmarking, Manual Web 2.0 and Scrapebox blast with 10K links - change strategy/providers each month).

    D2) Your keyword is in high competitive niche

    You need to check your backlinks.
    Go to and and search for your backlinks.
    When in search for (without quotes, where is your domain name).
    Go through first 10 pages (if there is as much as that) and look for backlinks you do not recognize.

    D2-A) You found backlinks that you do not recognize (made by your competitor) - you need to make them weaker or stronger:

    D2-A1) Make them stronger - build backlinks to those bad links (do not do it if the anchors are nasty ones like - "Porn", "Fuck", "Cocaine" etc or there is more than 1.000 outgoing links from the page). Get some proper Scrapebox blasts to those links in order to create authority in them. Around 100-500 backlinks per bad link is enough. Get all the backlinks created to badlinks crawled (use Linklicious/Lindexed/BacklinksIndexer).

    D2-A2) Make them weaker - to do so you need to make your website authority one. Create high authority backlinks to your website comming from popular social sites + Wikipedia (if you can - possibly as a source link or in-article anchor) + Wiki sites (there is many service providers offering such a Wiki submission). Build few hundreds of high PR backlinks to your site without anchor ("Raw Link"). Get all the backlinks crawled using popular pinging/indexing services.
    If none happened - submit your site to Whois database after 2 weeks of creating major backlinks.
    Keep building backlinks constantly and take care of diversity so this wont happen again.

    2) Avoiding Penalty and Google reviews:

    A) Onsite Optimization
    B) Offsite SEO
    C) Overall Quality Score[/B]

    A) Onsite Optimization

    You are required to keep a very good onsite optimization.
    You need to prevent having serious coding loops or errors as Google will detect it easily. Any dead links (within a site or going to other sites) can affect your rankings and cause problems.
    List of things to look at:

    - Check your websites code for any serious errors. Your code should be W3C validated:
    - Check for dead links - Google hates them:
    - Interlink your inner pages to main page (Inner Page linking to main page with one of your main Anchor) or other way around (main page linking through footer with Anchors to most valued inner pages - not too many though)
    - No excessive advertising - 2 ad blocks are enough, 3 is a lot, 4+ can affect your rankings
    - No linking out to Scam/Spam/Illegal sites - one link to Scam e-commerce shop can drain out your authority
    - Proper content quantity/quality for crawlers to index - 300 words article is not enough to fill whole website. Every site, even MNS should have more than 1 page and more than 300 words article
    - DO NOT post spinned content on your website - Google will index copied content as long as it is quality and related. Spinned content can get you de-indexed or penalized
    - You do not need to link to authority sites - by doing so you will pass some juice on them but also you will get more Google trust. Evaluate which option is best for you.

    B) Offsite SEO

    To impress Google you need proper diversification and constant backlinking.

    - Create different types of backlinks. There is no "Miracle Backlink". You cant dominate results with just one backlink type and hope for Status Quo. You need to diversify your campaign so Google wont see any spam attempts. Even if you are #1 keep building diverse backlinks (if #1 was achieved by blog posts from
    private network - build some quality Web 2.0 and .Edu links for diversity and security).
    - Keep constant backlink flow. You cannot create 100K Scrapebox backlinks at once and expect best. Keep building backlinks daily, weekly or even monthly to maintain your good authority and trust within Google.
    a) Monthly backlinking example - buy automatic bookmarking, 10K Scrapebox blog comments and wiki links in one month - then in next one create new "campaign"
    b) Weekly backlinking example - create 1-2 different backlink types like Private Blog Network submission and Forum Profiles first week, .Edu backlinks and Linkpushing other week.
    c) Daily backlinking example - build daily amount of backlinks like blog comments, forum profiles bookmarks and manual high PR backlinks
    - Mix quality with quantity - Scrapebox or Xrumer links are good as long as you will mix them with high authority (or high PR) backlinks. Do not worry about getting 10K Scrapebox links - but add some extra high PR Bookmarks or Articles same week you done them for fast and secure results.
    - Get high authority backlinks indexed using indexing/crawling systems - any high authority (or high PR) backlink can be artificially forced to cue for crawling by Google without any negative penalty.

    C) Overall Quality Score

    Look at your website as manual reviewer will do it.
    He have less than a minute to evaluate your website and he will look for following:
    - code/keyword report
    - relevance of content to keyword
    - ad spam/affiliate spam attempts
    - content lockers (do not use content locker if 100% of your traffic is from Google unless you are experienced in what you do)
    - misleading information/links

    kegunanaan tracking id afiliasi amazon

    Inti dari afiliasi amazon adalah bahwa seseorang membeli produk apa saja di amazon dengan melalui link anda, yang telah disisipkan tracking id amazon anda. tracking id anda adalah pembeda yang tersimpan dalam cookies, dimana cookies adalah tiket nya. jadi dengan tracking id maka amazon dapat mengetahui bahwa seseorang yang masuk ke toko besar amazon melalui tiket yang anda berikan. yang harus kita ketahui adalah bahwa umur atau usia dari tiket tersebut adalah 1 hari, seperti ilmu yang terdapat dalam kutipan artikel di bawah ini. 1 hari disini apakah berarti 24 jam expired atau 1 hari yang berganti ketika nama hari berganti, dalam arti jam 00. berikut artikel dari

    Gak usah banyak pembahasan, asumsi saya anda baca posting kali ini berarti anda sedang belajar cara menjual produk dari amazon. Untuk menjual produk dari affiliate amazon anda bisa gunakan dua cara, satu ministe dan yang kedua dengan membuat blog review amazon. Tapi kali ini saya gak bahas kedua duanya di postingan ini, saya ingin membicarakan masalah rahasia cookies nya amazon sehingga anda tahu bagaimana amazon menghitung komisi anda.
    Pertama, masalah link affiliate. Amazon tidak menerapkan link affiliate secara tertutup  untuk satu produk yang penting apabila ada pembeli yang membeli produk apapun melalui link anda maka anda dapat komisi walaupun produk yang dibelinya tidak anda promosikan.  Misalkan anda membuat website review tentang komputer kemudian anda pengunjung yang masuk ke amazon melalui link anda , tetapi gak jadi beli komputer malah beli pembalut wanita maka anda akan tetep dapat komisi.
    Ini berarti semakin banyak link yang anda tebar di internet semakin besar pula kemungkinan anda mendapatkan komisi tidak perduli produk yang laku yang penting link amazon anda bertebaran dan berseliweran di mana mana.  Prinsip ini cocok untuk mereka yang menerapkan blog sebagai media promosi . semakin banyak posting semakin besar pula kemungkinan  pengunjung membeli dari amazon.
    Kedua , masa basinya cookies link affiliate amazon. Seandainya seorang pengunjung datang ke amazon melalui link anda tapi gak jadi beli akhirnya dia tutup tuh internetnya. Apakah bila dia suatu saat beli di amazon kita masih dapat komisi? jawabanya tergantung masa datangnya… kalau masih dalam jangka waktu satu hari maka kita sebagai affiliater masih dapat komisi karena cookies amazon  hanya berusia satu hari. Artinya selama satu hari kapanpun calon pembeli datang asalkan masih menggunakan komputer yang sama maka amazon akan mendeteksi sebagai calon pembeli yang datang melalui link affiliate kita.
    Jadi tugas affiliate amazon yang sebetulnya  adalah meyakinkan calon pembeli agar bersedia membeli produk yang dia inginkan dalam kurun waktu satu hari. Bila si calon pembeli datang kembali ke amazon tapi di hari berikut tentu kita gak dapat komisi penjualan kecuali dia datang melalui link affiliate kita lagi. Sekarang seberapa bagus review anda sehingga bisa membuat pendatang beli dari link anda?

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    I found how:
    GO to
    or ~/Library/Preferences/MarketSamurai.BIGxLONGxALPHANUMERICxSTRING

    Need to delete ONLY ONE file: activation.key

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    efektif kah blogspot gratis untuk afiliasi amazon

    untuk seorang pemula dan internet marketing, yang ingin memanfaat kan blogspot gratisan sebagai sawah untuk menanam afiliasi amazon, sering timbul pertanyaan, layakkah blogspot dijadikan sawah? ditengah persaingan dengan lain yang memanfaatkan domain dan hosting berbayar untuk menanam afiliasi amazon.  bahkan, dari wira wiri kesana kemari banyak ditemui yang khusus menggunakan hosting dan domain berbayar untuk afiliasi amazon. Akhirnya jawabanya saya temukan di cukup menguatkan iman dan meneguhkan tekad untuk terus berusaha membuka jalan rejeki dengan yang gratisan dulu. ingat, yang gratisan dulu. berikut artikelnya:
    Pada artikel perdana ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman tentang pengalaman pribadi saya bermain affiliate Amazon dengan menggunakan platform Banyak para Affiliate Marketer Handal mengatakan bahwa "Blogspot/Blogger tak layak digunakan untuk keperluan Bisnis karena cenderung sulit di optimasi", namun kenyataannya pernyataan tersebut tidaklah 100% benar. Simak cara saya berbisnis amazon via Blogspot yang terbukti menghasilkan.

    Persiapan & Langkah Membangun Blogspot untuk Amazon Affiliate Cara Saya
    1. Hal pertama yang harus kita siapkan adalah ide topik apa yang akan menjadi tema utama blog kita.
    2. Pilih Sub-domain blogspot sesuai dengan main-keyword pilihan, kemudian pilih template yang sederhana dan fast load.
    3. Rubah kode html blogspot untuk menambahkan kode meta Tag, jangan lupa jadikan judul artikel sebagai title-bar.
    4. Tulis 1 artikel perdana
    5. Lakukan Quick Indexing dengan free tool ini :
    6. Submit ke google webmaster
    7. Submit ke feedburner + link ke twitter (Supaya artikel otomatis diposting ke twitter) ada di tab Publicize -> menu Socialize
    8. Hubungkan link feed ke facebook dengan rss grafiti (supaya artikel otomatis diposting ke FB), cari app rss grafiti di FB.
    9. Setiap posting selesai submit artikel social bookmarking seperti Digg,, StumbleUpon, folkd, reddit (dan masih banyak yang lain, gunakan socialmarker atau socialposter).
    10. Ping blog dengan

    Posisi Blogspot Saya di Pencarian Search Engine (SERP)

    Ternyata, untuk urusan SEO blogspot masih mumpuni walau saya cuma mengandalkan onpage seo + social bookmarking ditambah sesekali blog commenting . Artinya Blog saya tersebut amat sangat minim backlink. namun, walaupun minim baclink, blog affiliate amazon saya tersebut untuk beberapa keyword yang saya bidik mampu memasuki page-1 google dan relatif stabil posisinya, begitu pula pada Bing.

    Membuat Tracking ID untuk Setiap Blog Amazon

    Membuat Tracking ID untuk Setiap Blog Amazon

    Halo Kawan-Kawan, BlogDuit menyapa lagi. Kali ini di Bulan Suci Ramadhan. Bulan di mana seluruh orang yang beriman diwajibkan untuk berpuasa. Semoga Kawan-Kawan yang berpuasa diterima puasanya oleh Allah SWT. Amin.

    Kali ini BlogDuit ingin berbagi mengenai cara membuat tracking ID untuk setiap blog yang kita buat untuk makelaran amazon. Gunanya untuk apa? Tentu untuk melacak. Melacak mana blog kita yang memberikan hasil paling bagus. Tracking ID ini bisa kita terapkan untuk blog, ceruk (niche) atau pun jenis website/plugin yang kita pergunakan. Bingung ya? Baiklah di bawah ini adalah contoh-contoh penerapannya.

    Tracking ID berdasarkan blog


    • tracking ID untuk blog tentang pakaian dalam
    • tracking ID untuk blog tentang komputer
    • tracking ID untuk blog tentang buku masak

    Tracking ID berdasarkan Ceruk

    Hal ini hampir sama dengan tracking ID untuk blog. Misalnya:

    • tracking ID untuk ceruk peralatan kecil rumah tangga
    • tracking ID untuk ceruk alat pembuat kopi
    • tracking ID untuk ceruk alat fitness

    Tracking ID untuk jenis website/plugin


    • Tracking ID untuk autoblog menggunakan feedwordpress
    • Tracking ID untuk autoblog menggunakan wprobot
    • Tracking ID untuk blog menggunakan ReviewAzon
    • Tracking ID untuk website menggunakan AOM

    Cara Membuat Tracking ID

    Sebenarnya, tracking ID ini sama dengan affiliate ID. Untuk menggunakan format xxxxx-20. Nah, di Program Afiliasi Amazon kita dapat membuat lebih dari 1 affiliate ID. Dengan demikian, kita dapat membuat beberapa affiliate ID untuk keperluan pelacakan.

    Cara membuatnya:

    1. Login ke halaman affiliate program Amazon

    2. Klik Account Settings


    3. Klik Manage Tracking IDs


    4. Klik tombol Add Tracking ID


    5. Buatlah tracking ID baru. Ketikkan pada text field lalu klik Search.


    6. Ketikkan tracking ID baru apabila tidak tersedia. Klik tombol Continue apabila tersedia.


    7. Selesai.

    8. Ulangi langkah 2 sampai 7 untuk membuat tracking ID baru.

    Nah, setelah membuat tracking ID, gunakanlah tracking ID yang berbeda untuk blog/niche/jenis website/plugin Kawan-Kawan. Gunanya adalah untuk melacak yang mana dari blog/niche/jenis website/plugin kita yang paling prospektif dan profitable.

    Penggunaan Karakter untuk Tracking ID

    Untuk tracking ID kita dapat menggunakan kombinasi teks dan angka, teks saja atau kombinasi teks dengan tanda titik (.).


    • intimateapparels1234-20
    • bestbuyintimateapparels-20
    • bestbuy.intimate.apparels-20

    Silakan pergunakan yang paling Kawan-Kawan Sukai.

    Cara Memeriksa Tracking ID yang paling prospektif

    1. Pada dasbor affiliate kita, klik Reports

    2. Pada sidebar kiri lihat bagian seperti gambar di bawah dan klik Tracking ID Summary Report


    3. Silakan lihat sendiri di sana yah, termasuk periode report yang mau dibuat.


    Nah, Kawan-Kawan, semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

    Setting Template amazon WP ROBOT biar SEO gitu

    Setting Template amazon WP ROBOT
    [share] yang pake autoblog amazon, ini ada template module amazon yg insyaAllah SEO score nya lumayan:

    <h3><a href="{url}" rel="nofollow">{title}</a></


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    taken from:

    auto post blogspot dari wordpress

     ini materi saya dapat dari forum adsense-id, diposting oleh mas ihsan. terima kasih buat mas ihsan yang mau menanggapi pertanyaan saya via YM.  blog dia:
    tentunya materi ini bisa dikombinansikan dengan plugin auto post / wp robot wordpress.

    Halo Mas Bro, Mba' Sis 

    Kali ini ane share bagaimana cara membuat autoblog blogspot? tentunya ini versi ane (mudah2an ga' repost)

    Langsung saja

    Yang perlu dipersiapkan:

    Persiapan Blogspot
    1. Buat blogspot
    2. Masuk ke setting > Email & Mobile
    3. Lihat Posting Option pada bagian Email Posting Address (Also known as Mail2Blogger). isi secret word dengan kata apa aja. Ini yang akan jadi email blog ente nanti. Ingat ini email blog bukan email untuk umum.

    Persiapan Wordpress
    1. Hosting dan domain wordpress. Belum punya? gampang, pakai domain deindeks atau pake hosting dan sub domain gratisan, seperti dari,,,,
    2. Install worpress. Tersrah ente ni domain mau ente optimasi sama2 dengan blogspot nanti atau tidak. Klo ane, ane optimasi dua2nya. Ga' usah pusing mikirin duplikat kontent, yang penting dua2 mendatangkan traffik dan penjualan. Okey?
    3. Install plugin autoblog (wajib) dan plugin2 yang dibutuhkan.
    4. Download dan install plugin "Email on Publish" _ Masuk ke settings > Email on Publish. Disana ada banyak option. Ga' usah pusing itu apa  yg jelas isi aja yg dua ini, Email Address (isi email blogspot ente) dan Category (hanya dari kategory ini yang akan terkirim ke email blogspot) yang lain kosongkan.


    Sekarang coba ente publish 1 artikel yang dimasukkan ke category yang akan ente kirim ke blogspot ente.

    Jadilah blogspot ente auto blog seperti autoblognya wordpress, tinggal ente optimasi off pagenya, karena optimasi on pagenya ada di template wp robotnya atau plugin autoblog yg ente pake.


    script code php auto post blogspot + software

    artikel di kopi dari forum adsense-id: belum saya coba, tapi menarik untuk disimpan dulu.

    Agan2, ane mau kasih sedikit script biar blog kita auto post dengan syarat email auto post di blogspot nye udah diaktifin. Ane dapet artikel ini dari

    kali aja bermanfaat.

    //Your Blog's Keyword:
    $keyword = "keyword";
    //How many articles do you want to grab each time?
    $num = 5;
    //Get the RSS Feed - In this instance, we're using a google blogsearch feed based on our chosen keyword
    $feed = simplexml_load_file("" .urlencode($keyword). "&ie=utf-8&num=10&output=rss");
    //Loop through our keywords
    foreach ($feed->channel->item as $item) {
    if($i < $num){
    //Have a bit of a rest so we're not posting too fast to our blogger blog
    $title = $item->title;
    $title = str_replace("", "", $title);
    $subject = str_replace("", "", $title);
    $link = $item->link;
    $description = $item->description;
    $description = str_replace("", "", $description);
    $body = str_replace("", "", $description);
    //put our secret blogger email address here:
    $to = "";
    //ignore this line - the script just needs something in the "From" field.
    $headers = 'From:';
    //Send the email / How'd we go?
    if(mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {
    echo $subject. " - sent
    echo $subject. " - NOT sent
    //add one to our counter
    Kalo yang berikut dari 
    The following code will help to auto post into blogspot using php code.
    01<?php session_start();
    02$email = “”;
    03$pass = “password”;
    04$blogID= urlencode(“blogger_id”); // like 6304924319904337556
    06// Do Not Modify Below Code
    07if(!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken'])) {
    09$ch = curl_init(“$email&Passwd=$pass&service=blogger&accountType=GOOGLE”);
    10curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
    11curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,1);
    12curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,0);
    13curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER ,1);
    14$result = curl_exec($ch);
    15$resultArray = curl_getinfo($ch);
    17$arr = explode(“=”,$result);
    18$token = $arr[3];
    19$_SESSION['sessionToken'] = $token;
    22$entry = “<entry xmlns=’’>
    24<title type=’text’>Title of blog post </title>
    26<content type=’xhtml’>
    28This is testing contnetto post in blog post.
    34$len = strlen($entry);
    36$headers = array(“Content-type: application/atom+xml”,”Content-Length: {$len}”,”Authorization: GoogleLogin auth={$_SESSION['sessionToken']}”,”$entry”);
    38$ch = curl_init();
    39curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, “$blogID/posts/default”);
    40curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    41curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4);
    42curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    43curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    44curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH, 1);
    45curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    46$result = curl_exec($ch);
    47$ERROR_CODE = curl_getinfo($ch);
    50echo ‘<pre>’;

    Software Auto post Blogger & Wordpress Full Version
    R2Blog Auto post for blogger - Inilah Tools atau software untuk auto post blogger dan wordpress sobat, Software Autopost Blogger ini bekerja dari feed atau biasa di sebut Graber Feed for autoblogger.
    R2Blog Autopost Blog ini memang sangat di minati bagi para pemalas termasuk awaspinter hehe, caranya pun sangat mudah hanya tinggal Jalankan software R2Blog autopost dan add Blog mu, selanjutnya masukan URL feed target

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    Download R2Blog Auto post for blogger Full Version

    Pernah denger tentang software auto blogger atau auto post blogspot  seperti auto blog samurai dan kawan kawan nya?. Tapi saya bukan mau share software tersebut, Justru saya mau kasih yang lebih simpel dan tidak perlu software apalagi instal. Auto Blogger Menggunakan PHP Script merupakan cara yang di gunakan sebagian orang untuk mencuri RSS sebuah blog yang kemudian akan otomatis tampil pada blogspotnya. Cara curang ini biasa di gunakan oleh orang yang malas membuat postingan atau membangun blog dengan tujuan business demi mendapat penghasilan lebih dari accout adsensenya.

    Berikut ini adalah scriptnya :

    $content = file_get_contents('URL RSS');
    $p = xml_parser_create();
    xml_parse_into_struct($p, $content, $vals, $index);
    foreach ($index['LINK'] as $key => $link_id) {
    $title_id = $index['TITLE'][$key];
    $description_id = $index['DESCRIPTION'][$key];
    $title = $vals[$title_id]['value'];
    $link = $vals[$link_id]['value'];
    $description = $vals[$description_id]['value'];
    $subject = '' . $title;
    $message = $title . "\r\n" . wordwrap($description, 72, "\r\n");
    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    mail('EMAIL BLOGGER', $subject, $message, $headers);
    echo "      {$title}\r\n";
    • Pada script di atas ganti URL RSS ganti dengan link RSS yang ingin kamu ambil isinya. Untuk blogspot URL RSS default nya adalah /feeds/posts/default contoh .
    • Pada EMAIL BLOGGER ganti dengan email blogger yang sebelumnya sudah di setting pada blogspot kamu.
    Bagaimana mendapatkan Email Blogger ?
    1. Masuk Ke Dasbor >> Pengaturan >> EMAIL & Seluler 
    2. Pada Opsi Pengeposan Isikan SecreetWord yang akan menjadi email blogger kamu. Contoh tutorialblogger , Maka akan menjadi . Maka email itulah yang di gunakan pada yang saya tandai bold biru di atas .
    3. Sedangkan ada tiga options di bawahnya yaitu . Publikasikan Segera Email, Simpan Email Sebagai Entri konsep & Nonaktifkan. Menurut saya sebaiknya pilih saja Simpan Email Sebagai Entri Konsep, karena dengan begitu RSS yang akan di terima tidak langsung muncul di blog melainkan menjadi draft pada postingan. Sehingga kamu masih bisa mengeditnya lagi.
    Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya ?
    Setelah langkah-langkah di atas selesai maka upload script tersebut kedalam hostingan kamu. Jadi script ini hanya bekerja di saat kita memanggilnya.

    Sebaiknya baca kembali TOS hosting yang kamu pakai untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

    Ok, Saya rasa cukup jelas semuanya. Gunakan script ini sebijak-bijaknya. Spesial Terimakasih buat mas Google. Jika ada yang kurang setuju dan merasa dirugikan dengan adanya postingan ini harap di maafkan. Saya hanya ingin share sebagai pembelajaran :D

    Happy Blogging !!

    Sodara sodara silakan mencoba... di utak atik biar bisa jadi software yang mantabs, bisa dijual bisa dibagi bagi gratis